Tuesday 8 January 2008

New Year's Resolutions...

So this is what's posted on our refrigerator right now. Our goals for 2008!

Pretty standard!

1. After scraping toothpaste off of the wall in the kid's bathroom upstairs the other night while they were brushing their teeth, I decided that I REALLY need to make sure and do a deep clean up there once a week- so we're going to focus on the upstairs on Saturdays before we do anything else.

2. In 2007, we were really good about our family scripture study and morning prayers because we have a regular morning routine- on school days! However, we found that we drop the ball consistently on the weekends and holidays- but we aren't going to miss them this year!

3. Since it is so expensive to go out to eat here, we don't do it much... (our tiny village has a pub with GREAT food- but with the WEAK dollar, and £7 lunches ($14 for you yanks!)- we don't go much!) HOWEVER, there is a Burger King and Taco Bell and a Pizza joint on base- where you pay in the dollar. Anyway- we need to cut down on fast food. It's just YUCKY!

4. Speaks for itself. We want to travel etc. while we are here- but also want to keep involved- serve, etc. in our community.

1 comment:

Kevin Pratt said...

Great goals. We made the same fast food goal! Last year we banned McDonald's except when traveling. We drop the ball on scrip reading during holidays, too. It's hard. We try to do it right after dinner on those days, because it's no fun waking up earlier than necessary just because dad has to go to work! I would love to come help you decorate your house...problem is, I would never want to come back to mine!