For those of you who have been lucky(?) enough to live by us for the last year and a half or so... you know that Zoie fell in Paris and literally cracked about 1/3 of her front tooth off. (The poor girl also has a kind of webbed tooth on the bottom- two of her teeth are fused together and look like one big old mutant tooth).
Well, it's been bothering her recently, so I brought her into the Dentist last week a couple of times.
It was a nightmare getting her to cooperate with x-rays etc. (When we first went in, the Dr. put her in the X-ray chair and handed her a little white rectangle, and asked her to "bite down on this". I shot him a look like, "you have obviously NEVER been around a two year old before", and Zoie promptly stuck the x-ray card down her shirt.
Anyway, they finally sealed it, but couldn't tell us why it was bothering her.
A couple days ago, I noticed that there was a little white pearl looking blob in her gum above that tooth... So I brought her in AGAIN!
The dentist took one look at that thing and said- "this has got to come out!"
The TOOTH, that is!
So, yesterday we had the pleasure of assisting Zoie- a TWO year old, in getting multiple injections into an already inflamed and engorged gum, and then getting her tooth manually removed- while she was awake. It wasn't easy, they finally had to strap her down to one of those little papoose boards. :(
What a nightmare for all involved. The poor girl, she just kept looking at us like, "why are you doing this to me!"
Got to get a picture of her new smile... she looks like even more of a Hockey player than before!